Developmental Disabilities Services Division
The Developmental Disability Services Division (DDSD) provides a variety of administrative, operations and programmatic functions that support the developmental disabilities (DD) services system.
Eligibility for Services
Eligibility – Confirm clinical eligibility for DD services as determined by a designated agency prior to authorizing home and community-based services funding.
Funding – Provide staff support to the Equity Committee and the Public Safety Committee, and make final funding decisions in regard to the use of New Caseload Funding.
General Operations
Quality Oversight - Provide quality review and oversight of Medicaid services provided by Designated Agencies and Specialized Service Agencies to ensure that minimum standards are met.
Training and Technical Assistance - Work with stakeholders to identify training needs. Provide staff support to the Vermont Clinical Training Consortium. Provide technical assistance and resource information.
Grievance and Appeals – Review and decide on grievance and appeals as per regulatory procedures.
Variance Requests - Review variance requests for individuals and/or their families who hire direct support workers with Medicaid funds through two Department of Disabilities, Aging, and Independent Living (DAIL) administered programs: Developmental Disabilities, Home and Community Based Services, and Family Managed Respite; and are requesting a variance of the employment criteria.
Financial Management – Provide oversight of the utilization and billing of DDS services.
Planning and Development – Explore and take action on a variety of activities, including the development of policy and programs; alternative funding opportunities; data collection and reporting.
Vermont Crisis Intervention Network (VCIN) – Provide the gatekeeper function for access to VCIN, the statewide developmental disabilities service system crisis network.
Adult Services
Supported Employment - Provide information, technical assistance and data collection for supported employment services throughout Vermont. These services help people with disabilities access and succeed in competitive employment.
Post-Secondary Education - Work with providers, post-secondary organizations and the Agency of Education to increase and sustain opportunities for post-high school education, including attending college.
Public Safety Program - Coordinate statewide supports for people who are a risk to public safety who have a developmental disability. The goal of services is to keep the community and past victims safe while providing treatment and supervision to offenders with developmental disabilities.
Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) – Evaluate individuals who are being admitted to nursing facilities to see if they meet eligibility for DD services. Work with service providers to find alternative places to live in the community and authorize Special Services for someone who is living in a nursing facility.
Public Guardian Services - Provide guardianship for adults with developmental disabilities and older Vermonters age 60 and over who are under court ordered public guardianship.
Children's Services
Children's Services - Provides information and technical assistance regarding eligibility for programs that serve children with developmental disabilities and their families.