Mental Health Services in Vermont


The Department of Mental Health oversees the publicly-funded community-based and inpatient services to Vermonters to ensure early intervention and mental health treatment and supports as needed to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities.

DMH central office staff provide leadership and direction for the community-based public mental health system as well as program and service monitoring and assessment to assure adherence to state and federal regulations and to monitor the quality of services and sup­ports delivered by contracted providers.


The Department of Mental Health designates one Designated Agency (DA) in each geographic region of the state to provide the Department's mental health programs for adults and children.

Designated Agencies are private, non-profit service providers that are responsible for ensuring needed services are available through program delivery, local planning, service coordination, and monitoring outcomes within their region.

Specialized Service Agencies (NFI and Pathways Vermont) may operate in more than one geographic area of the state and provide a distinctive approach to service delivery and coordination or provide services that meet distinctive individual needs.


The Department of Mental Health works with private nonprofit agencies in Vermont to provide mental-health care. They are called Designated Agencies, or community mental health centers. In addition to these agencies, we work with two Specialized Service Agencies: Pathways Vermont, who serve adults, and the Northeastern Family Institute, who serve children and families. All of the services listed on this page are available at your local designated agency.

The Designated Agencies are organized under the Vermont Care Partners, a collaboration between the Vermont Council and the Vermont Care Network of sixteen non-profit community-based member agencies offer care to Vermonters affected by developmental disabilities, mental health conditions, and substance use disorders.   The mission of Vermont Care Partners is "to provide statewide leadership for an integrated, high-quality system of comprehensive services and supports."

To learn more about Vermont Care Partners, please visit their website: